About us

Hi! Welcome to Christianitee!

My name is Lana. I love Jesus and God gave me a creative soul. I have a commitment to spreading God's love, and the message of salvation through Jesus to the world. Here's a little glimpse of my journey.

What is Christianitee

I started this business, combining my passion for creativity and Jesus, and believing that faith isn't just something for Sundays, it's part of your everyday life. I love to wear a Christian T-shirt, and I've got to say, I've had some conversations over the years. You wouldn't believe, I had one about the history of Christians on the train going home after a church history lesson in bible college on the Crusades. You couldn't have timed it better! God can do big, and incredible things. But I digress. Anyway, what better way to express my devotion and creativity, than to put it on a Christian T-Shirt to help others share too? Start a conversation, be subtle but honest, express your truth, share your love, a shirt can do a lot more than you first think.

1 Corinthians 10:31 "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."


Creativity flows through my veins. I really enjoy the creation process from idea to print. I love seeing my art come to life in a Christian T-shirt. Whether it's giving a visual to a bold bible verse, a cheeky pun, or a simple illustration, each design is a labour of love.

Quality Matters

I've got to say I'm picky! I'm picky with a lot of things really, and my family and friends hate to go shopping with me because of it. I'm committed to top-quality here. I have chosen to partner with sustainable printers, using eco-friendly practices and elements for the printing and the shirts too. I use organic shirts where possible, but if not, it's all quality, fair wage, sustainable and eco friendly. It's about ensuring that we're looking after the resources God has given us, and so they are made with love, caring for the waterways, land and people involved in the processes.

God's Guidance    

As a Christian, I believe that God's word is the ultimate guide for my life. That's why I let biblical wisdom steer my business decisions. It's not always the easiest path, but it certainly is the best one.

Our Mission

In its most basic form. its to share the Gospel of Jesus to the world. I want to help you share Jesus in your everyday life. Whether it's through a thought-provoking message on your back, or a beautifully designed artwork. I want to help you be a light in the world. 

I hope you'll explore our collection, pick a shirt that you connect with, and join me in sharing Jesus. I'm excited you're here and can't wait to see you shining in your new Christian Tee by... Christianitee. (Yes, I am a bit of a nerdy pun dork too!)

Matthew 5:16 "In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven."